Alternate Funds

Investment Manager : Avendus

Fund Name : AVENDUS Enhanced Return Fund

Inception : Nov. 1, 2018

Category : Category III

Investment Objective :

• The fund endeavours to deliver 150% of Nifty 50 index return over rolling 3 years and minimize downside to 30% of the index fall over rolling 6 months*. • The objective of the “Avendus Enhanced Return Fund-Series II” is to generate superior returns to Nifty 50 index while limiting downside, by maintaining a judicious mix of long only portfolio (~70% of the fund) and long short (~30% of the fund)

Investment Philosophy :


Investment Strategy :

The fund’s objective of generating superior returns to the Nifty 50 index while limiting downsize is achieved by maintaining a judicious mix of long only and long short portfolio. It will invest ~70% of the proceeds in the long only portfolio, to ensure high alpha, and ~30% in long-short portfolio, to ensure a lower beta.

Scheme Document

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