Alternate Funds

Investment Manager : Tata

Fund Name : TATA Absolute Return Fund

Inception : April 1, 2019

Category : Category III

Investment Objective :

The investment objective of TATA Absolute Return Fund- Category III AIF is to generate absolute returns over the medium term, with reduced volatility. It largely cuts out both equity market directional risk and credit risks with the bond markets.

Investment Philosophy :

The investment philosophy of TATA Absolute Return Fund- Category III AIF is: • Fixed Income(65-70% of Invested Capital) – Aims to provide steady returns and liquidity to the fund • Cash Equities(30-35% of Invested Capital) – Large Cap biased and aims to provide long term capital appreciation • Hedge Portfolio(50% of the gross exposure) – Aims to generate extra returns with modest volatility

Investment Strategy :

The investment strategy of TATA Absolute Return Fund- Category III AIF is aimed in such a way that it: Largely cuts out both equity market directional risk and credit risks associated with the bond markets Strives to reduce volatility and drawdowns through right asset combinations- Equity, Fixed Income, and a Hedge portfolio, all combined in a way that smoothens the returns, and at the same time captures best available opportunities in equities and fixed income

Scheme Document

Coming soon