Company Groww Asset Management Limited
Scheme Name Groww Nifty India Railways PSU Index Fund-Reg(G)
Scheme Type Open ended scheme
Benchmark Index Nifty India Railways PSU Index - TRI
Fund Manager Abhishek Jain
Category Equity - Thematic Fund - Other
Initial Offer Price (₹) 10
Minimum Investment (₹) 500
Additional Investment (₹) 500
Objective The investment objective of the Scheme is to generate long term capital growth by investing in securities of the Nifty India Railways PSU Index in the same proportion / weightage with an aim to provide returns before expenses that track the total return of Nifty India Railways PSU Index, subject to tracking errors.
Max Entry Load%:
Max Exit Load%: 1
Option Type Growth
Investment Pattern
Type Min Max
Equity and Equity related securities of companies constituting the underlying index - Nifty India Railways PSU Index 95 100
Debt & Money Market Instruments / and Units of debt schemes / Units of Debt ETFs 0 5